Meeple Like Us at UKGE

UK Games Expo 2017

Are you heading to the UK Games Expo this year? If you answered yes, then you might find us there! Myself and Mrs Meeple will be wandering around, looking lost and aimless, as we face a new and unfamiliar environment. This is, for both of us, our first gaming convention. Wheeeeeee!

UKGE leaflet

We’ll be there!


I’m in the process of trying to set up some meetings and the like with publishers, to push the topic of board game accessibility. Our dance card, at least for the moment, remains pretty free though so if you want to meet up, chat, or play some games with us then get in touch. If you’ve got any recommendations for what we should do while there, or general advice for surviving a convention, please leave a comment! If you’ve got anything you’d particularly like us to find out about what’s going on, then let us know. Really, we’re new to this and open to suggestions and requests.

If you want some peripatetic accessibility advice I’ll be around in a very noticeable Meeple Like Us t-shirt. Every day. Don’t worry, I have a clean t-shirt for each day even if they all look EXACTLY THE SAME. I’ll be happy to play or chat about games and game accessibility. We’re there, at least in part, to enjoy ourselves but I’m very keen to use the opportunity to reach out and make accessibility a bigger part of the industry than it currently is.

Hopefully see some of you there!