I honestly could go on and on and on about books I think people should read if they’re serious about games, but every post has to end somewhere, right? The shortlist version of this post, before I picked the ten that would be included, was thirty-eight books long. Enough for a followup if people might like more suggestions as time goes by.
The thing about this list though is that I wanted to cover a broad range of topics without including anything as offputting as a textbook. Anyone that is serious about games will eventually need to specialise – it’s inevitable. I have recommendations for those that want to dig down into, say, RPG design or game development in Unity. However, those are of use to a smaller group of people. I wanted a set of books that would enrich anyone.
This is a slightly self-serving special feature for the site. It’s basically something I can point future students towards when they ask me for suggestions that will help them become better at understanding games. As such I’ve basically used y’all as a way to optimise my time with multi-tasking. It’s not about board games, or accessibility, or the culture of criticism. In my defence, I think that this is an interesting list of extremely worthwhile books. If you’re a regular reader of Meeple Like Us you’ve already proven one thing – you like long-form reading.
So I guess, let me know through the usual channels if this was worth your time and if you’d like to see more recommendations of this nature in the future.
That List In Full
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