Here in Kuggen, we run regular board game evenings on Tuesday sat 6:00pm. If you’d like to come along and play some games – no matter your level of experience – you’d be very welcome. Please sign up here!
Staff and students of either Chalmers University of Technology or the University of Gothenburg are welcome. Most of our advertising will be within Kuggen mainly because I assume that if you can see the flyers you have a card to get in. Friends of staff or students, provided they’re accompanied, are also very welcome. Bring a friend! Just don’t, you know, send your friend.
Board games, eh? What, like Monopoly?
Oh wow, no. You hadn’t heard? Board games are amazing now. There’s a golden age of board gaming right under your nose and all you need to do is come along to one of these evenings to find out more. Explore the whimsical interiors of your friends’ heads with Dixit. Find out which of your closest companions are alarmingly good liars with The Resistance. Gather gems in Splendor. Orchestrate a real-time circus act in Meeple Circus. Fight off an alien invasion in XCOM. And if you really did fancy a game of monopoly, perhaps I could interest you in Chinatown instead.
Will there be people there to teach me how to play?
As time goes on, more people will be able to teach more games but we can’t guarantee it at the moment. We’ll do our best, but for some games there may be no-one that knows how the game works. That includes games that you request from the collections we have available – when you buy a game, you don’t buy the time to learn and play it.
What if I don’t know anyone?
Consider me your concierge. I’ll make sure you get into a game.
Where do I go?
We play games in the Kuggen Studio, which is on the second floor of the brightly coloured building in Lindholmen. Access to Kuggen is restricted to those with access cards (and likewise, the studio itself) but drop me a mail and I can let you in.
And every Tuesday you say?
We plan to run every Tuesday from 6:00pm but there’s a minimum attendance needed so check (and add your name to) the signup sheet.
If there’s six or more people signed up, it’ll be going ahead that day. You can turn up if you’re not signed up, but signing up means it’s more likely to go ahead as advertised.
The ‘go or no’ notice will be put on the Framapad at 3pm on the Tuesday, so check that before you commit to special plans.
What games do you have?
We have two lists of available games. The first is the ones we actually have in Kuggen – they’re (almost) always available you and you can find that list here.
The other list is my personal collection, and I need to bring those in from home. You need to request these ones in advance if you have a specific one you’d like to play. You can do that via the signup sheet. You’ll need to do that before I leave for work on the Tuesday, so put those in as early as you can. Every week I’ll bring a sampling of them in too.
I reserve the right to not bring in a requested game if it’s too big or heavy. Some of these boxes are ridiculous.
Can I borrow some of these, maybe?
You can! Any game that’s on the Kuggen game list is available for you to borrow – get in touch with Staffan Bjork or myself and we can book the game out for you for a set period of time. Any on my personal collection can also be requested, but you’ll need to do that directly with me. Just drop me an email and I’ll see what I can do.
And we can play any game we like?
Any that we have, or any you bring, sure! But there are some games for which we have additional notes:
What if I have more questions?