Meeple Like Us board game accessibility seminar video

Category: Special Feature

Mr Meeple UKGE 2018

Michael’s UKGE 2018 Diary

One of the most striking images I saw during the UK Games Expo 2018 was the procession of cosplayers making their way into the centre on the Saturday.   The dedication that goes into cosplay is genuinely impressive.  I watched pass before me a parade of Harley Quinns and Jokers, Imperial…

A New Game Journalism Reader

My post on the New Boardgame Journalism seemed to cause a bit of a stir, both for and against.  That’s great.  I think this is a conversation that boardgame media needs to have if it’s not going to end up rendered entirely obsolete by the gradual encroachment of professional media…

Sinister Bottom

The Sinister Bottom Quiz

Welcome to your Sinister Bottom!

I have stolen this idea outright from the excellent Bitsocket podcast, and I would recommend you check them out because they are Super Good.

The idea here is that we take well known board-games (defined here as being in the Top 1000 of Boardgamegeek) and run them…